


  • 公司名稱連云港永上制藥設備有限公司
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號RCN-A
  • 所  在  地
  • 廠商性質經銷商
  • 更新時間2018/5/15 14:04:39
  • 訪問次數(shù)2808
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Thermal circumflence extraction & concentrator

熱回流抽提濃縮器 產品信息


thermal circumflence extraction & concentrator


the device serves for vegtable and herbal medicine、china traditional drug、animal drug、food additional to extract with water、ethanol、carbinol and acet and to reclaim and concentrate the organic solvent.

技術參數(shù)technology parameter


 rcn-500     rcn-1000     rcn-2000     rcn-3500     sjn-6000


 500          1000         2000          3500          6000


100-200      200-400      300-700       500-1000       900-2000


3-6          4-6          5-7           5-8            7-9


1.2-1.35      1.2-1.35      1.2-1.35        1.2-1.35       1.2-1.35  


2.5×1.5×5.0    3.0×2.0×6.0   3.0×2.0×8.0    4.0×2.8×9.5    4.5×3.5×10.0




operation principle

put the drug material intl the extraction tank and in-sert the solvent such as water,ethanol,carbinol and acet,etc(in accordance with the technology requirement)whose capacity is five to ten times the drug material.the tee in the extraction tank and the vapor valve of clip sleeve open to heat the extraction liquid until boil that will last for about twenty to thirty minutes and then the extraction & filter pipe sorbs one third extraction liquid into the concentrato.and the tee in the extraction tank and the vapour valve of clip sleeve are closed and the heater valve is opened to concentrate the material liquid.the second vapor produced during concentration can enter the extraction tank through the upward pipe at the evaporator to serve as the heat source for extraction to maintain the boil inside the tank.

the second vapor continues rising to change into the condensation liquid by the condensator and falls back inside the extraction tank to serve as new solvent to be added at the drug surface.the new wolvent arrives down at the bttom of the extraction tank throughout the drug material layer.the dissoluble effective content at the drug material is resolved into the solvent inside the extraction tank.the extraction liquid enters the concentrator.by the cxtraction &filter pipe and the second vapour produced for concentration arrives the extraction thank to serve as heat source and new solvent .the extraction of new solvent with large circumfluence can make the density of the drug material and solvent at high grads.the solvent in the drug material separates out at high speed until a complete until a complete separation(i.e.the extraction liquid is colorless).then,the extraction liquid stops entrance of the concentrator.the concentrated second vapor enters the cooler to continue concentration until the drug cream with reuse.the drug residue is drained out of the residue outlet.in the case of extraction with organic solvent,it is necessary to add proper water and open the tee and the clip sleeve vapor valve.after reclamation of sovent,the residue is drained.







equipment feature

1、the rate for cream collection is 10-15%higher than that of the multiple function tank ,and the effective content inside thecream is one time higher than the normal one.because the  heat solvent is added into the drug surface continuously and then they pass the drug  layer from up to down with high speed to solve the solute in the drug material during the extraction,so the solute in the drug material and the solute in the solvent keep high grads.if the solute in the durg material can separate out with high speed until it separates out ,then the extraction extent of the effective content is high.because the concentration is finished inside the seal device with little loss and high transformation rate,so the rate for cream collection is high and the effective content inside the drug cream is high.

2、for the factors of high speed of separation out of solute,short time of extraction synchronous operation of concen-tration and extraction,the time from changing the drug material into the concentrated drug cream is only seven to eight hours which highlights high equipment utility.

3、the equipment is simple and has little use area and features high equipment utility,which highlights economic investment.

4、the extraction just needs one time of use of solvent,which is used cyclically in a set of seal equipment,the solvent in the drug residue can be reclaimed basically,which makes the solvent quantity is 30%less than that of the multiple function extraction tank and the solvent consumption is 50-70%less than that of the multiple function extraction tank.the above advantages make it available the extraction of organic solvent and purification of effective content in the china traditional drug.

fot the concentrated secondary vapor serving as heat source,the extraction liquid into the concentrator is at the same temperature level with that of the concentrator,which can save the vapor for more than50%and feature easy operation and reduces the operator.

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