德國(guó)進(jìn)口取樣管線(高溫型)-----溫度(180-200°C) 品牌:德國(guó)PSG
Rigid lines
· Lengths up to 300 m
· (Depending on the power supply and power rating of the heating cable, up to 165 m with one heating circuit. With multiple supplies for additional heating circuits, the maximum tube bundle length can be extended.
· Rigid lines
· For inside and outside installation
? Details
HeatThermal fleece (temperature-resistant up to 200°C)
· Fibreglass fleece (temperature-resistant up to 500°C)
· Kunststoffschutzgeflecht aus Polyamid ?l-, benzin-, s?ure- und l?sungsmittelbest?ndig, halogenfrei, selbstverl?schend und flammwidrig, Dauerbetriebstemperatur = -55°C bis +125°C
· Metallschutzgeflecht aus verzinktem Stahldraht, Dauerbetriebstemperatur = +300°C
· Silikonschaumschlauch temperaturbest?ndig bis 200°C
· Kurze L?ngen
· Sehr enge Montageverh?ltnisse (kleine Biegeradien)
· Feste Verlegung oder Entnahmestellen (Labor/Prüfstand)
· Ohne mechanische Beanspruchung
· Innenmontage
德國(guó)混合分配氣(用于取樣系統(tǒng)) 品牌:德國(guó)PSG
Air Distributors
More than 1000 types and configurations are produced by PSG.
德國(guó)取樣探頭 品牌:德國(guó)PSG
More than 25 years of experience and now all new: the PSG Basic Probe for CEMS.
PSG Probes for continuous emission monitoring
Sampling probes for continuous sampling of gasesThe process gas is tapped using a probe tube and a heated filter unit. These gases need further treatment, since, in most cases, they have an excessively high dust content.The newly developed PSG filter unit is smaller, saves energy and is installation-friendlier.Heating of PTC-Element T=190°C. Ceramic filter with a filter fineness of 0.3 µm. Test gas connection ?” RT inner thread. Measurement gas connection ?” RT inner thread.
Optionally, the new PSG filter unit can be supplied with a filter and probe tube back-flushing. The filter unit can be incorporated in a strong stainless steel housing of protection class IP54.The connections of the sampling tube are located right on the housing. The voltage supply and temperature sensor are connected via a terminal box.