1、由于輸送液體不會泄漏到外部,故適用于對人體有害的液體、容易爆炸和可燃性液體、貴重液體以及腐蝕性液體; 2、由于不能吸入外部氣體,故適用于真空系統(tǒng)運行以及與外部氣體接觸能變質的液體等; 3、由于無軸封,故適用于系統(tǒng)壓力較高的高溫和低溫液體; 4、由于不需要潤滑油,不會污染輸送液,并避免了注油麻煩; 5、由于電機和泵為同軸的組合體,體積小,重量輕,不占場地,容易拆卸檢查; 6、電機因不冷卻風扇,運轉噪音小。
屏蔽式管道泵普通型供輸送清水及物理化學性質類似于清水的其他液體之用。介質使用溫度不超過80℃適用于工業(yè)和城市給排水,高層建筑增壓送水、園林噴灌、消防增壓、遠距離輸送、暖通制冷循環(huán)、浴室等冷暖水循環(huán)增壓及設備配套。特別適用對振動、噪音要求較高的場合,如地下泵房、空調制冷系統(tǒng)等。屏蔽式管道泵熱水型主要供輸送溫度不超過160℃不含固體顆粒的軟水之用,適用于能源、冶金、化工、紡織、造紙以及賓館、飯店、浴室、鍋爐熱水增壓循環(huán)輸送及城市采暖系統(tǒng)循環(huán)等場合。 屏蔽式管道泵防腐型供輸送不含固體顆粒,具有腐蝕性,粘度類似于水的液體,適用于石油、化工、冶金、電力、造紙、食品、制藥和合成纖維等部門。
-- 可靠性首先來自于強大的實力,在產(chǎn)品研發(fā)階段就反復驗算,認真求證,提升可靠性。
-- 其次,必須依靠強大的敏捷制造能力,也就是以設備硬件為根基,通過精益管理,綜合而成的敏捷制造能力。
-- 第三,質量保障體系的建設,產(chǎn)品落在實處。
2. 便利:便利是巴赫產(chǎn)品的第二價值主張
-- 產(chǎn)品覆蓋范圍寬廣,產(chǎn)品線齊全完備,可供選擇的產(chǎn)品類型豐富,為客戶提供“一站式”解決方案,節(jié)約時間和精力。
-- 為客戶提供特殊需求定制,專門產(chǎn)品定制,相關產(chǎn)品集成等系列服務,滿足客戶個性化需求或有效解決具體的施工難題。
-- 選型軟件完善,提供技術細節(jié)完整詳細,配件豐富,非常貼合施工和使用實際,節(jié)省大量的溝通澄清時間。
-- 提供敏捷的供貨期,充分滿足那些直到zui后一刻才得以決定下來的客戶。
-- 結構更簡單、合理;
-- 安裝使用更方便;
-- 維修的負擔少,綜合擁有成本(TOC)低;
-- 更為敏捷務實的方法快速解決售后服務問題。
Brief Introduction to Bach
Bach, your reliable partner
Welcome to Bach. We integrate R&D, production, matching customization and professional services to provide you with complete and high quality matching, process and control system solutions.
The value proposition of Bach's products is reliable, convenient and novel.
Bach's long-term adherence to R&D capability innovation, manufacturing strength building, quality system building, and customer service improvement, focusing on improving the reliability of products and services, are all reliable and necessary conditions.
Reliability comes first of all from strong strength. In the stage of product research and development, it is checked repeatedly and verified carefully to improve reliability.
Secondly, we must rely on the powerful agile manufacturing capability, which is based on equipment hardware and integrated by lean management.
Third, the construction of quality assurance system and the implementation of products.
Finally, self-management alone is not enough. A large number of third-party certification of the arduous process, so that Bach products have experienced painful transformation repeatedly, and gradually become mature and reliable.
2. Convenience: Convenience is the second value proposition of Bach's products
Customer convenience is an important goal of Bach. The facilities provided include:
The products cover a wide range, complete product line and abundant product types are available, providing customers with "one-stop" solutions, saving time and energy.
- Providing customers with special needs customization, special product customization, related product integration and other series of services to meet customer personalized needs or effectively solve specific construction problems.
- Perfect selection software, complete and detailed technical details, rich accessories, very suitable for construction and practical use, saving a lot of communication and clarification time.
Provide an agile delivery date to fully satisfy customers who have not been able to decide until the last minute.
3. It is not a simple pursuit of "distinctiveness", but the pursuit of "innovation to create value for customers".
- Simpler and more reasonable structure;
- Easier installation and use;
- Low maintenance burden and low TOC;
- A more agile and pragmatic way to quickly solve the problem of after-sales service.