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: 3004955694
1、這個型號有貨嗎?鴻飛達 回:一般常用型號我們都有現(xiàn)貨,但是品牌型號較多,我們建議您與我們公司銷售進行確認。
2、什么時間發(fā)貨? 鴻飛達回:(現(xiàn)貨)確認到款即發(fā)貨,訂貨,收到定金在規(guī)定期限內(nèi)發(fā)貨。
4、收貨應該注意那些? 鴻飛達 回:收到貨時不要急于拆開,先檢查外包裝(完好:正常簽收、有微量破損:異常簽收、大量破損:拒簽)。
5、發(fā)票什么時候寄出?鴻飛達 回:發(fā)票不隨產(chǎn)品同時發(fā),正常開票是在客戶確認收貨無誤后2-3天內(nèi)開出寄送,如遇特殊情況,請與我們或我們您。
6、產(chǎn)品有質(zhì)量問題怎么辦? 鴻飛達回:如果是質(zhì)量問題可以跟我們,所銷售產(chǎn)品在質(zhì)保期內(nèi),我們將*時間為您解決。
3HAC16795-1 Process Cable Package
3HAC16796-1 Process Cable Package
3HAC16797-1 Process Cable Package
3HAC16810-1 Service output 230V
3HAC16829-1 Cover, machining
3HAC16831-1 Battery pack
3HAC16832-1 SMB signal cable 7m鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC16832-2 SMB signal cable 15m
3HAC16832-3 SMB signal cable 30m
3HAC16832-6 SMB signal cable 22m
3HAC16840-1 Support washer
3HAC16844-1 Cable to split box, 7m
3HAC16844-13 Cable to splitbox, 22m
3HAC16844-2 Cable to split box, 15m
3HAC16845-1 Hose Water and Air-unit
3HAC16845-2 Hose Water and Air-unit
3HAC16847-1 FLOOR WELD CABLE 7M鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC16847-2 Floor Weld Cable 15m
3HAC16847-4 Floor Weld Cable 22m
3HAC16868-1 Harness Control Pan 2-pos
3HAC16890-1 SW material set, 66X0
3HAC16890-2 SW material set. IRB6650S
3HAC16892-1 MH material set, 66X0
3HAC16892-2 MH material set IRB6650S
3HAC16897-1 Hoses type S for W&A unit
3HAC16904-1 Customer cable CP/CS/CAN鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC16905-1 Customer cable CP/CS/IBS
3HAC16916-1 Proc cable package 3-6 SW
3HAC16918-1 Protection sleeve鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC16919-1 Main cable jib
3HAC16926-1 IRB6600 L.arm cable prot.
3HAC16927-1 Termin. contact XS8
3HAC16970-1 Warning label
3HAC16971-2 Connect. plate ax.3, proc
3HAC16972-1 Lock nut kit
3HAC17000-1 Jumper cable
3HAC17000-2 Jumper cable
3HAC1700-1 Cable computer connection鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17005-2 DeviceNet cable 15m
3HAC17015-2 Auxiliary power cable 15m
3HAC17021-1 Conn.set ext.signal R2.CP
3HAC17022-1 Conn.set ext.sign.R2.CBUS
3HAC17023-1 Conn.set ext.signal R2.CS
3HAC17024-1 Connector set R2.CMP
3HAC17030-3 Lower arm SW
3HAC17076-1 TRM - System parameters man.
3HAC17076-3 TRM - System parameters
3HAC17076-4 TRM - System parameters
3HAC17076-5 TRM - System parameters
3HAC17076-7 TRM - System parameters
3HAC17085-1 Spacer Ring
3HAC17092-1 Bearing pedestal
3HAC17105-1 Rotation/play.m. tool鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17120-1 Air supply circuit
3HAC17121-1 Air supply circuit
3HAC17122-1 Air supply circuit
3HAC17123-1 Air supply circuit
3HAC17124-1 Water in circuit
3HAC17125-1 Water return circuit
3HAC17127-1 Water return circuit
3HAC17128-1 Water return circuit鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17129-1 Press tool,bal.unit shaft
3HAC17142-1 Nilos Sealing Ring
3HAC17143-1 Prod.Spec IRB 940 Tricept
3HAC17147-1 Harness CP/CS 7m
3HAC17147-2 Harness CP/CS 15m
3HAC17147-3 Harness CP/CS 30m
3HAC17147-6 Harness CP/CS 22m
3HAC17152-1 MOTOR
3HAC17153-1 MOTOR鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17155-1 WRIST
3HAC17158-1 FILTER
3HAC17166-1 Water & Air Unit
3HAC1717-1 Support ring
3HAC17176-1 Nilos Sealing Ring鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17188-1 End Cover Gasket
3HAC17189-1 Customer cable CP/CS/PROF
3HAC17200-1 Harness CP/CS, PROFIB 15m
3HAC17200-4 Harness CP/CS, PROFIB 7m
3HAC17200-5 Harness CP/CS, PROFIB 30m
3HAC17200-6 Harness CP/CS, PROFIBUS 22m
3HAC17201-1 Weld, Proc 1-4 on base鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17202-1 Weld, Proc 2-4 axis 3
3HAC17203-1 Weld, Proc 1-4 axis 6
3HAC17204-1 7-axis on base
3HAC17209-1 Customer cable CP/CS
3HAC17212-1 Sealing axis 2/3
3HAC17213-1 Sealing axis 2/3
3HAC17218-1 Set of shims
3HAC17219-2 Thrust washer鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17221-1 Hose reinforce protection
3HAC17252-1 Connector kit R1.SW1
3HAC17253-1 Connector kit R1.SW2/3
3HAC17281-1 DC-Bus Bar L6
3HAC17281-3 DC-Bus Bar S2
3HAC17282-1 Servo drive dummy
3HAC17317-3 LED lamp
3HAC17320-3 SW harness upper arm
3HAC17320-7 Upper arm SW, LandRover
3HAC17324-1 Interbus harness D.C W203
3HAC17342-1 Motor M20 Type B
3HAC17350-1 Lock insert, square 7mm
3HAC17350-3 Lock insert, Daimler Benz
3HAC17350-4 Lock insert, double bit 3
3HAC17358-1 Mech. stop
3HAC17369-1 Ethernet harness D.C W203鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17371-3 Ax 6 complete, insulated
3HAC17372-2 Wrist
3HAC17374-2 Gear box with motor
3HAC17374-4 Gearbox with motors
3HAC17383-1 CD Documentation IRB6600
3HAC17384-1 CD Documentation IRB7600
3HAC17395-1 Fastening Plate
3HAC17396-1 Serial measurement unit
3HAC17400-002 Universal Joint
3HAC17400-1 Universal Joint
3HAC17404-1 Ext. cust. conn. harness
3HAC17423-1 Washer
3HAC17446-1 Air filter magazine
3HAC17448-1 Air filter magazine
3HAC17484-10 Rotational ac motor M10
3HAC17484-7 Rotational ac motor M7
3HAC17542-1 Upper arm 45-60kg foundry
3HAC17556-1 Door鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17582-1 Turning disc QMT
3HAC1761-1 Power cable
3HAC1762-1 Signal cable
3HAC17662-1 Material Set 2.55, 2.75 & 3.0S
3HAC17662-2 Material Set 2.8
3HAC17662-3 Material Set 3.2 & 3.5S
3HAC17667-1 Service Spotpack IRB66x0&7600
3HAC17667-3 Service SpotPack IRB66x0
3HAC17667-4 Service SpotPack IRB66x0
3HAC17667-5 Service SpotPack IRB66x0鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17667-7 Service SpotPack IRB66x0
3HAC1768-1 Lifting instruction
3HAC17707-2 Material set IRB7600 2,3m
3HAC17707-3 Material set IRB7600 2,55m
3HAC17707-4 Material set IRB7600 2,8m
3HAC17707-5 Material set IRB7600 3,5m
3HAC17720-2 Installation IRB 2400鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17720-6 Installation IRB 2400
3HAC17720-8 Installation IRB 2400
3HAC17720-9 Installation IRB 2400
3HAC17721-2 Maintenance IRB 2400
3HAC17721-6 Maintenance IRB 2400
3HAC17721-8 Maintenance IRB 2400
3HAC17721-9 Maintenance IRB 2400
3HAC17722-2 Repair IRB 2400
3HAC17722-6 Repair IRB 2400
3HAC17722-8 Repair IRB 2400
3HAC17722-9 Repair IRB 2400
3HAC17724-1 QMT Tap 1鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17725-1 QMT Tap 2
3HAC17731-1 Installation IRB 2400
3HAC17731-3 Installation IRB 2400
3HAC17731-4 Installation IRB 2400
3HAC17731-5 Installation IRB 2400
3HAC17732-1 Maintenance IRB 2400
3HAC17732-3 Maintenance IRB 2400鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17732-4 Maintenance IRB 2400
3HAC17732-5 Maintenance IRB 2400
3HAC17733-1 Repair IRB 2400
3HAC17733-3 Repair IRB 2400
3HAC17733-4 Repair IRB 2400
3HAC17733-5 Repair IRB 2400
3HAC17734-1 ACTUATOR鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17736-1 Installation IRB 4400
3HAC17736-3 Installation IRB 4400
3HAC17736-4 Installation IRB 4400
3HAC17736-5 Installation IRB 4400
3HAC17737-1 Maintenance IRB 4400
3HAC17737-3 Maintenance IRB 4400
3HAC17737-4 Maintenance IRB 4400
3HAC17737-5 Maintenance IRB 4400
3HAC17738-1 Repair IRB 4400鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17738-3 Repair IRB 4400
3HAC17738-4 Repair IRB 4400
3HAC17738-5 Repair IRB 4400
3HAC17746-2 cable internal axis 5-6
3HAC17746-3 Cable axis 4 internal
3HAC17750-1 CABLE CHAIN鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17751-1 COUPLING AXIS 1,2,3
3HAC17754-1 Stick
3HAC17755-1 Lamp for over press.system
3HAC17756-2 Cabel axis2 power
3HAC17756-3 Cabel axis 3 power
3HAC17756-4 Cable: Axis 4 - power
3HAC17756-5 Cable: Axis 5 power
3HAC17756-6 Cable: Axis 6 power
3HAC17756-7 Cable axis 1 power
3HAC17757-2 Cable axis 2 signal鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17757-3 Cable axis 3 signal
3HAC17757-4 Cable axis 4 signal
3HAC17757-5 Cable: Axis 5 signal
3HAC17757-6 Cabel axis 6 signal
3HAC17757-7 Cable axis 1 signal
3HAC17758-1 Lock Tap
3HAC17765-1 ABB-logotype
3HAC17796-1 QMT Clamping device
3HAC17796-2 QMT Clamp. dev. DressPack
3HAC17804-1 Warning label
3HAC17821-1 Terminal block Plug part
3HAC17833-1 Terminal block
3HAC17833-5 Jumper plug鴻飛達自動化科技強大的ABB備件直供
3HAC17866-6 Computer System 256 Mb
3HAC17944-1 Label
3HAC17944-2 Label
3HAC17944-3 Label